Wow! These children are no longer three years old, but four years old and growing. They have awareness for learning to explore the newness of life. As an educational facility, we seek ways to stretch the children’s minds for the glory of God.
Spiritually they will learn Bible stories, Bible verses, and pledges to the American flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible. They will recite the Lord’s Prayer and will sing a variety of songs both faith-based and fun. Phonics and reading will open their world to letter and blend sounds as well as reading one and two vowel words. They will learn to mark one and two vowels in words. Reading words will take them on a journey to reading sentences and short stories. Poetry is a time to learn that words rhyme and the fun that comes with words that flow together to make a complete thought. The following is a sample of what will be learned in the area of language development and listening skills: manners, health, safety, color words, shapes, animals, transportation, and much more. Numbers is a time to count, not only numbers, but also objects here and there and everywhere. Counting 1 – 100 is a thrill for children so small as they remember and recite numbers so large. The learning of the number concept smallest to largest allows the child to apply this concept to other areas. The next step will move the children to develop the understanding of adding one plus a number. Writing is where fingers are stretched and muscles are strengthened. Writing will consist of letters, blends, words, and the joy of the child writing his or her own name. |