EnglishWriting and Grammar 10 provides systematic grammar and usage instruction with ample practice activities for students. Most chapters feature a writing assignment with an accompanying model that teachers and students can reference throughout the writing process. An overview of the Writing Process and writing strategies appear later in the book, but students will benefit from a review of the process throughout the entire year. Also, “Think About It” sections throughout the text help develop students’ critical-thinking skills.
Social StudiesUnited States History recounts the story of our nation's history from its discovery and colonization up to the present day. Special attention is given to God's providence and America's Christian heritage. This high school level history textbook is presented in an engaging narrative style and seeks to bring United States history to life.
ScienceBiology shows your student God’s power and glory in creation as he learns about cellular biology, genetics, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human anatomy. When studying topics such as creation and evolution, human cloning, abortion, and stem cell research, students are pointed to Scripture as the ultimate authority and are encouraged to develop a biblical perspective about these topics.
MathGeometry (3rd ed.) is a traditional geometry text, requiring the students to prove theorems. Different colors and shading are used to distinguish among postulates, definitions, theorems, and constructions. Exercises seek to develop problem-solving skills and reinforce the geometry concepts covered in each lesson. The curriculum is biblically based throughout and contains one feature section per chapter on "Geometry and Scripture." "Dominion Thru Math" exercises, scattered through each chapter, relate to the chapter openers, and offer the opportunity for students to use technology in problem-solving. "Analytic Geometry" helps students to make the algebra-geometry connection in each chapter. "Geometry Around Us" reveals some of geometry's secret hideouts. "Mind over Math" brain teasers are included. "Geometry Through History" introduces students to the achievements of mathematicians of the past.
BibleBible class in high school is broken up into a three-year cycle. Throughout the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade the students will be presented with a full overview of the Old Testament, beginning with Genesis and finishing up in Malichi. They will learn God's promise to His people and the victories and struggles the Jewish people faced in their culture and walk with God.
The students will also be presented the Gospels, the Good News, through the writings of Matthew. They class will take an in-depth look at the life of Jesus of Nazareth through the account of Matthew, one of Jesus' disciples. The class will take the full year to fully comprehend the magnitude of Jesus' influence on our daily lives and the lives of those he interacted with. The students will spend one more year going through the letters of Peter, James, Paul, and John. They will spend time understanding that the life application these men were delivering to the early church movement are still relevant to them today. They year will end with a study of the book of Revelation written by John while he was exiled in Patmos. |